Sturgis Area Community Foundation Welcomes New Program Coordinator

Sturgis Area Community Foundation Welcomes New Program Coordinator

Posted on May 17, 2022
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~2.2 Minutes

Meet the newest staff member at the Sturgis Area Community Foundation!

Anna Brand joined SACF this month as its first-ever Program Coordinator. As Program Coordinator, Anna will serve as a direct contact for nonprofit organizations and scholarship applicants seeking assistance from the Community Foundation. She will also manage outreach efforts as SACF aims to grow its footprint and maximize impact throughout local communities.

We asked Anna a series of questions to help us (and YOU) get to know her better. Here’s what she had to say:

Tell us about yourself. Where did you grow up? What did you do after high school?

My name is Anna Brand. I grew up in Sturgis and graduated from Sturgis High School in 2010. After High school, I attended Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, where I studied Economics and Political Science.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.

Cats or dogs?

Dogs. More specifically a sweet black lab like our family dog Howie.

What are you looking forward to most about working with the Sturgis Area Community Foundation?

I look forward to working with the SACF staff, committees, students, and the community. I’m excited to have more diverse relationships and learn the ins and outs of how community foundations operate.

What do you think will be the most inspiring part of your role as SACF’s Program Coordinator?

Serving others beyond myself. The pleasure to be surround by those that have more wisdom, different experiences, and opinions.

What was the most important thing you learned BEFORE high school?

I grew up in my family’s small business. Watching my father work hard to pave his way and achieve success has inspired me. Work ethic and ability to adapt to change have been a constant since I was young.

What’s your favorite thing about living in the Sturgis area?

Definitely the access to so many amazing lakes, parks, and opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.

When you were five, what would you have said you would be when you grow up?

I come from a family of teachers, including my mother, aunt, and grandmother. Although I thought I would follow in their footsteps, I quickly realized a teaching career wouldn’t be for me. However, I’ve been lucky enough to have strong female role models in my life.

What’s one thing you hope to accomplish in your first year as Program Coordinator?

Expanding promotion to share with more people be informed about what the SACF has accomplished and what the foundation has to offer.


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