Caroline Hughes Joins Community Foundation Board as Youth Trustee

Caroline Hughes Joins Community Foundation Board as Youth Trustee

Posted on August 8, 2023
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~2 Minutes

The Sturgis Area Community Foundation (SACF) Board of Trustees recently selected Sturgis High School student Caroline Hughes as its incoming Youth Trustee for the 2023-24 school year.

Each year, 11th grade students in SACF’s Youth Advisory Council program have the opportunity to apply to the position of Youth Trustee. A two-year position, Youth Trustees spend their first year as a “Trustee in Training” and non-voting member of the board. During this time, Trustees in Training are encouraged to ask questions, participate in board discussions, observe, and learn how a community foundation board operates. After her year in training, Caroline will become a full, voting member of the Sturgis Area Community Foundation board of trustees.

“SACF’s Youth Trustee program provides a unique leadership experience not often provided to high school students,” explains Lindsay Aguilar-Aguilar, Executive Director of Sturgis Area Community Foundation. “Youth Trustees bring diverse perspectives, fresh ideas, and a unique energy. Incorporating young voices on our board ultimately strengthens the governance of our organization, promotes a culture of inclusivity, and enhances SACF’s ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.”

About Caroline Hughes

Caroline is a junior at Sturgis High School and member of Sturgis Area Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council. She actively volunteers at a variety of community events ranging from downtown festivals to school dances and benefits. At Sturgis High School, Caroline stays actively involved serving as Vice President to the Student Senate, and member of the SHS Orchestra, varsity soccer, varsity sideline cheer, and varsity competitive cheer teams.

“I truly love challenging myself and putting myself out there,” says Caroline. “I find myself enjoying being involved and helping out others. Leadership roles can oftentimes be difficult and take a lot of hard work, but I like the challenge, and I will always put in as much work as it takes. As the Youth Trustee I will put in the work and not shy from difficult tasks. I want to have a voice and give to our community what is best for everyone.”

The Sturgis Area Community Foundation is a $30M foundation committed to serving the charitable needs of our community and enriching the quality of life for all people in the Sturgis area. Through philanthropic services, strategic investments, and community leadership, Sturgis Area Community Foundation helps people support the causes they care about now and for generations.

For more about the Sturgis Youth Advisory Council Program, visit

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